"Elderly must be healthy, mentally and physically. In addition, they need to be independent and generous,"
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Social Affairs, Saifullah Yusuf, and the Indonesian Association for Caring Active Elderly (Lantip Indonesia) are exploring cooperation to realize healthy and independent elderly people.

"Elderly must be healthy, mentally and physically. In addition, they need to be independent and generous," he said, according to a press release issued by the ministry here on Friday.

He informed that the Ministry of Social Affairs is supporting efforts to improve old people's welfare through its programs, such as Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI), food assistance, and cataract surgery.

Through the ATENSI program, the government is seeking to help old people who experience social dysfunction or are disconnected from society to return to their regular lives.

The ministry's programs align with Lantip Indonesia's programs. Therefore, Minister Yusuf said his side is ready to synergize with the association to create a prosperous elderly population.

On that occasion, chair of the advisory board of Lantip Indonesia, Taufiequrachman Ruky, put a spotlight on the increasing number of old people in Indonesia, especially the situation in 2045, the year by which the country is hoping to achieve advanced status.

To deal with the aging population, there is a need to provide guidance to old people earlier so that they can continue to be active and independent in society, he said.

To support this goal, Lantip Indonesia is synergizing with various institutions, including the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"Lantip wants to be the channel for those in need because seeing the happiness of the elderly is our happiness, too," Ruky said.

So far, the government has adopted the National Strategy for the Elderly (SNLU) through Presidential Regulation No. 88 of 2021 to ensure an independent, prosperous, and dignified life for everyone.

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Translator: Hana K, Kenzu
Editor: Arie Novarina
Copyright © ANTARA 2024