Jakarta (ANTARA) - Considering their treacherous acts against the state and the rights of the people, perpetrators of corruption crimes could be declared violators of human rights, according to Human Rights Minister Natalius Pigai.

Speaking to the media in Jakarta, Pigai stated that corruption cases are closely associated with public loss and are detrimental to health and educational services.

"Such crimes tend to hinder the fulfillment of people's rights to education, health, and life while posing a threat to the free meals program and the nation's journey toward self-sufficiency in food and energy," he pointed out.

The minister made the statement in response to reporters' queries about his view on the controversial sentences granted to Harvey Moeis and Helena Lim, the convicts in a graft case involving the tin company PT Timah Tbk.

The statements have angered the public, who contend that the defendants should face more severe penalties for causing the state to incur losses of up to Rp300 trillion (approximately US$18.5 billion).

"Personally, as a minister, I respect the legal proceedings. Nevertheless, I honestly cannot accept it (the light sentencing), as I empathize and side with the people. We deem the legal proceedings unjust," he affirmed.

Earlier on December 23, a panel of judges at the Central Jakarta District Court sentenced Harvey Moeis to 6.5 years in prison, while the prosecutors had demanded a 12-year prison term.

Furthermore, the judges obliged the convict to pay a fine of Rp1 billion (US$61.8 thousand), with an additional six-month prison sentence as an alternative and a compensation fee worth Rp210 billion (nearly US$13 million) or face two more years in prison.

The following week, convict Helena Lim was sentenced to five years in prison and a fine of Rp750 million (US$46.3 thousand), or a six-month prison term, and Rp900 million (US$55.6 thousand) in compensation, or face an additional year in jail.

Meanwhile, the prosecutors had demanded that the defendant be sentenced to eight years in prison, pay Rp1 billion in fines, and pay Rp210 billion in compensation.

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Translator: Fath Putra, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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