Jakarta (ANTARA) - Deputy Minister of Social Affairs Agus Jabo promoted the significance of the Free Nutritious Meals and People's Schools programs as President Prabowo Subianto's flagship initiatives to elementary school pupils in Bekasi City, West Java.

"In a bid to produce a generation of excellent talents, Mr President Prabowo pioneered the Free Nutritious Meals program," he told the pupils, as cited from his office's statement here on Thursday.

Speaking during a commemorative event of Isra Miraj at Public Elementary School (SDN) Jatimakmur V, Jabo remarked that the president had instructed the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) to ensure that the program reaches all schoolchildren across Indonesia this year.

Furthermore, the deputy minister introduced the People's Schools program, which aims to develop inclusive schools for children from economically disadvantaged families.

"God willing, the government will establish people’s schools for underprivileged families to help both the children and their parents. The ultimate goal is to propel Indonesia towards becoming an advanced nation," he explained.

The official also reflected on Isra Miraj, which refers to a miraculous overnight journey Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad took.

"We are here today to commemorate Isra Miraj. Therefore, I would like to ask you to take Prophet Muhammad as a role model for your lives," he advised the elementary school pupils.

Jabo emphasized that emulating the Prophet's morals and behaviors is essential to living a blessed life and creating a pious generation.

Before concluding his speech, the deputy minister reminded the pupils to respect their teachers, love one another, and avoid bullying.

Meanwhile, the Headmaster of SDN Jatimakmur V Zaenal Muttaqin highlighted the Seven Habits of the Great Indonesian Children Movement campaigned by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education.

This initiative encourages schoolchildren to wake up early, perform prayers or partake in religious activities, engage in exercises, consume healthy and nutritious foods, immerse in learning activities, socialize, and sleep early.

"The implementation of these seven habits in daily life requires collaboration between schools and parents," he stated.

Related news: More boarding schools to get free meals: deputy minister

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Translator: Hana D, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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