This follows surplus national production of up to 288.7 thousand tons, equivalent to 5 billion eggs per month.
With the excess production, Indonesia has great potential to supply eggs to countries that are experiencing production disruptions due to the HPAI outbreak, including the US, according to the ministry's director general of animal husbandry and animal health, Agung Suganda.
The US is reported to be experiencing a high production deficit that has driven up egg prices to US$4.11, he noted.
"We continue to encourage increased exports by ensuring that quality standards, food safety, and requirements of the destination country are met," Suganda said on Saturday.
"As an initial stage, exports to the US of 1.6 million eggs per month are believed to be possible. Currently, the process of exploring and fulfilling export protocols is being carried out," he added.
After gaining experience exporting eggs to Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia will export to the US while observing follow strict requirements of the food safety authorities there, he informed.
"Eggs to be exported must be of high quality, free of Salmonella, and free of antibiotic residues in order to comply with food safety standards set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)," he said.
Suganda also assured that the exports would not disrupt domestic needs, which remain a priority of the government.
"Exports are carried out without disrupting supply and price stability in the domestic market," he said.
This year, national egg production is estimated to reach 6.5 million tons, against the need of 6.2 million tons. That leaves a potential surplus of 288.7 thousand tons.
This figure could still potentially be increased as the government is supporting the businesses in meeting export standards, starting from quality and safety to product traceability.
"We are ready to work with various parties so this egg export runs smoothly and provides benefits for farmers, business actors, and the national economy," he affirmed.
Earlier, general chairperson of the Indonesian Poultry Breeding Association (GPPU), Ahmad Dawami, expressed his full support for the plan to export eggs to the US.
The national production capacity allows for exports of up to 160 million eggs per month, without disrupting domestic needs, he said.
Concurring with Suganda, he noted that exporting eggs to countries hit by 'eggflation' like the US would not be easy because a number of requirements would need to be met for sending domestic eggs to the foreign market.
"Indeed, if you look at the opportunities, there are definitely opportunities for export. But exporting is not that easy considering the strict requirements," he added.
Related news: Egg-once-a-day campaign to prevent stunting: NFA
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Translator: Muhammad Harianto, Yashinta Difa
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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