Kendari, S.E. Sulawesi (ANTARA News) - The Wakatobi district administration will organize an underwater photo contest in June 2011 to be participated in by world-class photographers, a local administration official said here Friday.

"We have not yet determined how many prizes will be contested in the photo contest. But to be sure, they will not be less than US$40.000 as for the previous competition," Wakatobi district chief Hugua said.

He said the underwater photo contest participated in by hundreds of people is to be conducted in a series of Sail Indonesia 2011 events centered in Wakatobi and Belitung.

The main purpose of the photo contest was to record the natural beauty of the Wakatobi National Marine Park in which there are 750 species of coral reefs and diverse ecosystems, Hugua said.

"The work of world-class photographers, besides would be a documents, it will also be published in a number of media, both print and electronic media across the world," he added.

According to Hugua, the underwater photo contest would be divided into several categories, among others, the beauty of coral reefs, marine life and the unique beauty of living creatures in the sea.

"The winners will be announced on the eve of the feast convivial Sail Indonesia 2011, on August 17, as well as the presentation of the competition`s prizes," he said.


Editor: Suryanto
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