Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) could not as yet find strong evidence to make a corruption case over Century Bank bailout, its deputy, Chandra Hamzah said here on Wednesday.

In view of that he said KPK is now waiting for the results of the forensic audit by the Supreme Audit Board (BPK).

"We are until now still waiting for the results of audit by BPK," he said in a meeting with the House of Representatives` (DPR) monitoring team for the Century Bank case.

The team had invited the KPK leadership, National Police chief General Timur Pradopo and Attorney General Basrief Arief to hear the results of their investigation into the case so far.

Strong dispute broke out in the meeting after KPK stated that it had until now discovered no proof of violations having been committed.

Chandra Hamzah said that the Century Bank case is a huge case involving a lot of events and irregularities and the events and irregularities may possibly be related or unrelated to each other.

As an example he referred to the case of 10 fictitious Letters of Credit (L/C), which was a separate case.

In the case of Hisyam and Rafaat, he said "they are private parties while the Law on KPK states that KPK`s authority is only over state apparatus or civil servants. They are not state apparatus and so KPK has no authority over them," he said.

In response to Chandra`s explanation some members of the team immediately interrupted. Nudirman Munir and Bambang Soesatyo from Golkar Party and Akbar Faisal from Hanura Party competed to speak ahead of others to make Marzuki Alie who presided over the meeting to calm them down to let Chandra Hamzah to continue his explanation.

Regarding the Deposit Insurance Institute`s (LPS) money used to bailout the bank, Chandra confirmed that it was the state`s money. On the changes that have been made on the Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI) on capital adequacy ratio Chandra that it was under the authority of the central bank`s governor.

"Can a Bank Indonesia governor change the capital adequacy ratio rule?. Yes, he can. How low is the CAR for the country?. It is regulated. Will the BI governor violate the law if he changes the CAR?. No." he said.

Chandra also said that Article 45 of the BI Law also states that BI governor or BI deputy governor may not be penalized for making a decision according to the authority embedded on them with a good will.

The meeting was finally adjourned until the next meeting which still has yet to be determined later.(*)

Editor: Jafar M Sidik
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