The country`s permanent representative to the UN, ambassador Hasan Klieb, expressed the wish here on Tuesday following Ban Ki-moon`s confirmation as UN Secretary General for the second term from January a, 2012 to December 31, 2016.
Ban`s second term was confirmed in a resolution approved by acclamation at the UN Headquarters by the UN General Assembly members from 192 countries including Indonesia.
Hasan said he hoped Ban could lead the UN effectively, efficiently and transparently and prioritize the interests of developing countries in all their aspects including in achieving millennium development goals, climate change, disaster handling and poverty issues.
"Two thirds of UN members are developing countries. We hope Secretary General Ban Ki-moon could be the articulator of developing countries` interests as well as in their partnership with developed countries," he said replying ANTARA`s questions.
As the chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for 2011 Indonesia also hopes Secretary General Ban Ki-moon could advance the comprehensive partnership between ASEAN and the UN.
The partnership draft is currently still being made by ASEAN and the UN and are hopefully to be signed in the ASEAN-UN Summit in Bali, Indonesia, in November.
In connection with it, Hasan said, the Indonesian permanent representative to the UN has held monthly meetings attended by ambassadors from ASEAN member countries to discuss various elements in the ASEAN-UN comprehensive partnership.
The meetings also have always been attended by senior officials of the UN Office.
"Even the UN Secretary General himself attending the meeting last month in the Indonesia permanent representative office in New York. We hope the UN Secretary General would continue helping and to be involved in the formulation of the partnership," he said.
"And the most important thing of all is supporting the implementation of the partnership as of next year," he said.
ASEAN 10 member countries include Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.
Editor: Priyambodo RH
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