Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The government and the House of Representatives (DPR) agreed here on Thursday to extend the period for discussions on the social security agency (BPJS) bill until the next parliamentary sitting.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono revealed the agreement in a joint press conference with House Speaker Marzuki Alie after an informal meeting between the President and DPR leaders at the former`s office.

"We agreed in view of the importance of the bill to discuss it again in the next session period to assure that no more problem is left when it is passed" the President said.

The head of state said the decision to extend its discussion was made to assure that no problem was left when it was enacted to hinder or cause problems to the present and next government during its implementation.

He said it must be assured that things would go smoothly when implemented such as the merger of a number of state-owned companies operating in insurance and social security business.

"Discussions have already narrowed down to one or two issues such as about the merger of insurance agencies like Jamsostek (for workers), Taspen (civil servants), Asabri (the military) and Askes (health insurance for civil servants). This must be put in order well while the transition must be realistic so that no serious problem is left. We do not want problems to arise after it is enacted," President Yudhoyono said.

Sharing his view DPR Speaker Marzuki Alie said DPR is committed to settling several issues in the bill which has been prioritized under the national legislation program.

"The government and the DPR agreed that the BPJS bill has to be settled. All the problems hindering its settlement so far have basically happened merely because information has not been received fully. So there is nothing extraordinary. But it needs time discuss it in more detail so that the law later could be implemented well not only by the present but also future governments and would not leave a "time bomb"," he said.

Marzuki said the special committee and the government representatives had worked day and night to settle the bill.

"No decision could be made on several substantive issues and therefore an informal consultative meeting was done with the president," he said.

Besides deciding to extend the deliberation of the BPJS bill the government and the DPR have also agreed to extend the discussion of the Financial Service Authority (OJK) bill.

Both the President and the Speaker agreed the decision was made to assure that the laws to be produced later would really have quality, could be implemented well and meet the public demand.

Besides promising to settle the BPJS and OJK bills before the end of this year the government and the DPR also agreed to popularize the social security system among the people so that no misunderstanding or public ignorance would occur over the concepts.

"I followed public discussions. It seems some community members do not have common understanding and therefore while waiting for the next session period we would finish our homework and explain to the people about the system of social security and the agency that would implement it," the President said.

Also attending the meeting were vice president Boediono, cabinet ministers concerned and DPR faction leaders.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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