"The task force is still needed. The institution is important," he said on the occasion of reflection on and projection of the task force at the presidential palace in Bogor, West Java on Wednesday.
He made the statement in connection with politicians` calls for the dissolution of the task force following the end of its term on December 30, 2011 based on the Presidential Decree Number 37 of 2009.
He said the task force was a real help in the efforts to eradicate judicial mafias and so it should be supported.
Indeed the task force`s performance lately has not been as dramatic as when it unveiled the illegal provision of a luxurious facility for Arthalyta (a convict in a bribery case) in the prison and the huge case of a tax fraud by tax officer Gayus Tambunan.
He said it was undeniable that the task force was able to make shock therapies although the results did not as yet meet the people`s expectations.
"To be honest from the few cases that have been concretely uncovered by the task force we were made aware that a judicial mafia had indeed existed behind them. Unfortunately the judicial process has stopped at small cases which should have been mere `variations`," he said.
Referring to the case of Gayus Tambunan Mahfud said that the task force had been able to persuade him to return to Indonesia although the case later only revealed the bribery committed by Gayus to a judge and prosecutors in connection with passport forgery while the tax fraud case was not unveiled.
In spite of that he said people were still waiting for further surprise actions by the task force. "How small its role is it remains significant," he said.
Mahfud said the task force has so far also taken various efforts which were not known by the public such as improving the policy in eradicating law mafia in the government institutions. (*)
Editor: Kunto Wibisono
Copyright © ANTARA 2011