Jakarta (ANTARA News) - As many as 52.113 people in Bener Meriah and Central Aceh districts are still displaced after seven days the 6.2 Rithcer scale quake hit the area, according to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) spokesperson Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said here on Tuesday.

"There are 19.984 people from Bener Meriah still displaced, and 32.129 others from Central Aceh," he said.

The displaced people were temporarily accommodated in 70 camps and other displaced people set up tents independently in the backyards and home gardens.

Aceh Governor Zaini Abdullah has been conducting emergency response in the area from 3 - July 17 and he said it could be extended as it needed.

The agency has so far recorded death toll as many as 39 people due to the strong quake, with eight people were found dead in Bener Meriah.

It is less one person than the previous data reported at 40 because of double counting by the local administration in Central Aceh.

Meanwhile, the damaged houses reached 16.019 units, of which 6.178 homes were seriously damaged, 3.061 houses with medium damaged, and 6.780 homes with minor damage.

The agency also reported about 626 public facilities were destroyed include health centers and other 50 units of health care building, 148 units of mosque, 313 units of school, 77 units of office and 17 units of doctor`s residence.

"People in the area urgently need tents, blankets, food, cloth gloves, mattresses and clean water," Sutopo said.

The 6.2 magnitude earthquake jolted Aceh province on Tuesday (July 2) at 2.37 p.m Western Indonesia Time.

The epicenter of the quake was located at 4.70 degrees of Northern Latitude and 96.61 degrees of Eastern Longitude or 35 kilometers southwest of Bener Meriah District at the depth of 10 kilometers.

The quake did not have the potential to cause tsunami, according to the head of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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