"The plan is the opening ceremony is to take place on Nov 20 at the building of the Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR). It will also be attended by MPR speaker Zulkifli Hasan and general chairman of Muhammadiyah Din Syamsuddin," WPF committee chairman Andar Wibowo said here on Wednesday.
Andar said around 200 participants including religious leaders, intellectuals, academicians, politicians and activists from various countries would take part in the forum.
"All regional Muhamadiyah leaders from all over Indonesia are expected to attend," he said.
WPF the fifth with a theme of "Quest for peace: lesson of conflict resolution" will last for three days.
Participants will discuss various issues of conflict resolutions, success and failure in settling conflicts designed and implemented in various parts of the world.
"For example Myanmar, which recorded success and failure in implementing conflict resolution," he said.
( Uu.H-ASG/O001)
Editor: Priyambodo RH
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