#12 percent

Collection of 12 percent news, found 729 news.

Growth of industrial products encouraging

Although industries at home still depend on imported raw materials, yet their products are showing encouraging growth ...

Cash demand to rise to Rp61.36 trillion during Ramadhan

Cash demand is expected to rise up to Rp61.36 trillion or by Rp6.57 trillion during the coming Islamic fasting month ...

Indonesian composite index sets a new record high

The composite index of the Indonesian Stock Exchange rose to a new record high of 4,132.78 on Tuesday. The IHSG ...

Global Warming: Cities, Too, Are "Carbon Sinks"

Scientists on Tuesday offered a slender piece of good news about global warming, reporting that cities can be of ...

Bali`s hotel room occupancy rate down 1.13 pct in May

Star-rated hotels in Bali saw their average room occupancy rate fall 1.13 percent to 62.90 percent in May from 64.03 ...

BI expected to keep key rate at 6.75 pct

Bank Indonesia (the central bank/BI) is expected to keep its key interest rate at 6.75 percent this month despite a ...

RI`s trade deficit with Australia may drop

Chief of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Rusman Heriawan said on Friday Indonesia`s trade deficit with Australia ...

SIPP pays dividends at Rp1 per share

Publicly-listed animal feed maker PT Sierrad Produce Tbk (SIPD) said shareholders had agreed to allocate 15.4 percent ...

Mari optimistic non-oil/non-gas exports to grow 20 pct

Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu expressed optimism here on Monday that non-oil/non-gas exports will grow more than ...

RI inflation still manageable

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) Deputy Governor Muliaman D Hadad said the inflation rate, even though its was ...

Govt wants 12.3-13.5 pct increase in non-oil/non-gas exports

The government has set itself the target of increasing its non-oil/non-gas exports by 12.3 - 13.5 percent in 2012, ...

Indonesia needs to increase dairy production

Indonesia which has a population of 237.6 million is a big market for dairy products but so far its own milk ...

Rupiah strengthens to US dollar

The US dollar weakened against the rupiah on Friday amidst concern about disappointing US economic data, an analyst ...

BPS : May Inflation reaches 0.12 percent

Indonesia`s inflation rate reached 0.12 percent in May 2011 due to a hike in clothing prices , according to the ...

Govt advised to raise spending to achieve 7 pct growth

The government should increase its budget spendings to achieve an economic growth rate of 6.8-7.0 percent this year, ...