#2022 g20 presidency

Collection of 2022 g20 presidency news, found 181 news.

Minister Hasan seeks support for accelerating GSP authorization

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan sought support for expediting the authorization for the Generalized System of Preferences ...

President Widodo receives Global Citizen Award

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received the Global Citizen Award for his global leadership from an American ...

G20 Indonesia

Global employment recovery attempts start in Bali at G20 LEMM

Indonesian Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah believes that current and future challenges can only be overcome through ...

G20 Indonesia

2022 B20, L20 joint statements to improve employment sector: Minister

- to improve employment conditions. B20 is G20's official dialogue forum with the global business community. It ...

G20 Indonesia

G20: Indonesia to seek inclusive labor market for disabled people

Indonesia will invite G20 nations at the Labor and Employment Ministers Meeting (LEMM) to develop a more inclusive ...

G20 Indonesia

Encouraging blended finance for energy transition through G20

Indonesia, as chair of the 2022 G20 presidency, has outlined the three priority issues of global health architecture, ...

G20 Indonesia

Developing countries' resilience important amid global crisis

National Development Planning Minister Suharso Monoarfa emphasized the importance of the recovery and resilience of ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 DEMM yields consensus on three DEWG issues

The Digital Economy Ministers’ Meeting (DEMM) on Thursday yielded a consensus document called the G20 Digital ...

G20 Indonesia

Minister reviews TPST construction ahead of Bali G20 Summit

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan on Wednesday reviewed the ...

G20 Indonesia

SAI20, G20 nations to cooperate on realizing SDGs, global recovery

The Supreme Audit Institutions G20 (SAI20) and G20 countries will collaborate to implement the sustainable development ...

Indonesia, Singapore agree to link QR code payments

Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) have agreed to initiate cooperation on cross-border ...


Indonesia's diplomacy, role as bridge for global stability

The notion of connectivity and bridge-building has lingered around Indonesia as one of its strategic roles on the ...

G20 Indonesia

Indonesia pushes revival of sustainable living traditions at G20

Indonesia is encouraging the revival of local wisdom, cultural practices, and traditions that promote environmental ...

Indonesia trying to bolster global synergy through G20 Presidency

Indonesia is striving to strengthen synergies in the global industrial, trade, and investment sectors through its G20 ...

G20 Indonesia

Expecting G20 to optimize digital economy potentials

Vast developments in technology have driven digital transformation in various sectors, right from education to economy, ...