
Collection of abrasion news, found 141 news.

President calls for preservation of mangroves

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for the preservation of 3.7 million hectares of mangrove forest which is ...

Hotels, travel agents ready for Sail Komodo

A number of hotels, travel agents, and culinary services in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) provincial city of Kupang are ...

Wave breaker of Bengkulu port collapses

Newly built wave breaker of Bengkulu port facing the Indian Ocean has collapsed hit by big waves and strong winds. ...

Bali coastline threatened by abrasion

The shorelines of Bali province have been badly affected by abrasion, with approximately 102.47 kilometres of the ...

Twenty beaches affected by extreme coastal erosion in Malang

Lack of mangrove plantations at the southern coast of Malang district, East Java, has caused severe abrasion of ...

Pamekasan natural disaster victims reach 1,050 families

Some 1,050 families had become victim of natural disasters in Pamekaswan as of January 2012, head of the Pamekasan ...

LDII plants 3,000 mangrove trees in SE Sulawesi

The Indonesian Islam Propagation Institute (LDII) has planted at least 3,000 mangrove trees on the Teluk Kendari ...

RI minister observes Ngurah Rai mangrove forest area

Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan said Bali`s Ngurah Rai mangrove forest area could become a mangrove conservation ...

Public works ministry supports green city program

The public works ministry through its Director General of Cipta Karya (Human Settlements) supports the green city ...

E Kalimantan to build mangrove information, research center

East Kalimantan province has made an 18-hectare plot of land available for the construction of a mangrove forest ...

Forty-eight rescue workers to be stationed on Gunung Kidul beaches

A Search and Rescue (SAR) team in Gunung Kidul district, Yogyakarta province, will field 48 personnel to a number of ...

Twenty-one houses near river collapse due to soil abrasion

Tenggarong, East Kalimantan (ANTARA News)  - Some 21 houses in Sebulu Ilir village, East Kalimantan, located on a ...

Environment minister declares Brebes green belt area

Environment Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta declared the northern coast in Brebes, Central Java, as a green belt area ...

Lampung needs funds to save turtle breeding grounds

The regional government of West Lampung district, Lampung province, has not enough funds to re-green damaged coastal ...

Climate change adversely affects fishermen

The climate change has adversely affected the income of fishermen, especially those operating along 50 meters from ...