#acceleration and

Collection of acceleration and news, found 2.585 news.

Financial technology boosts financial inclusion: Aftech

The presence of financial technology (fintech) companies can encourage the acceleration of financial inclusion in ...

Govt encouraging shift to electric vehicles: ministry

The Indonesian government is making a strong push for the quicker adoption of electric vehicles in the country, ...

Demography, climate change to pose challenges to Indonesia in 2045

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated that Indonesia faces complex challenges ranging from demography to ...

Mangrove restoration, conservation requires commitment: ministry

All stakeholders must have the same view and commitment toward the restoration and conservation of mangroves in ...

NIK integration with NPWP to start in 2023: Bappenas

The integration of Indonesian citizens' identity card numbers (NIK) with taxpayer identification numbers (NPWP) ...

Proud of Papua emerging as XVI Peparnas champion: governor

Papua Governor Lukas Enembe has expressed "immense pride" at the Papua contingent emerging as the champions ...

Threat of stunting could stymie golden generation goal

Childhood stunting is still a threat that can keep the nation from realizing the golden generation in 2024 as it can ...

KOI to again discuss lifting of sanctions with WADA

Head of the National Olympic Committee of Indonesia (KOI) said that he will resume discussions with the World ...

Pontianak mayor lauds Health Office for suppressing COVID-19 cases

Pontianak Mayor Edi Rusdi Kamtono lauded the Health Office in the city for its contribution to suppressing and ...

Govt urges religious leaders, scholars to support women's empowerment

Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Bintang Puspayoga has highlighted the important role ...

Digitalization can aid transformation to new economy: minister

Digitalization is one of the ways to push the transformation to a new economy, Coordinating Minister for Economic ...

Digital technology to dominate workplace in future: Vice Minister

Vice Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara expressed belief that the workplace in future will be dominated by digital ...

Need to improve digital literacy among people: official

Digital literacy among Indonesian people is currently in the medium category and needs to be improved, according to the ...

Minister urges Indonesian university students to serve in villages

Villages, Disadvantaged Regions Development, and Transmigration Minister Abdul Halim Iskandar (Gus Halim) in his speech ...

Society 5.0 a chance for developers to advance villages: lawmaker

Society 5.0 is a chance for application developers to support the advancement and development of digital villages, ...