#aceh province

Collection of aceh province news, found 981 news.

Ketawai Island popular among foreign yachts

The Ketawai Island resort in Central Bangka District, Bangka-Belitung (Babel) Province, has become more popular and ...

Lightning strike kills 2 people, injures 11 in Aceh

Two people were killed and as many as 11 were injured when a lightning struck a school in Asean residential area in ...

Aceh poised to become main tourism destination

The Indonesian Province of Aceh is intensively developing its tourism sector in an effort to become one of the main ...

Sail Sabang expected to increase economic potentials

The upcoming international maritime event of Sail Sabang is a great moment that should be utilized by the Government ...

Arun Special Economic Zone becomes Aceh`s growth center

Arun Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Aceh Province will be the center of Acehs growth, which will boost the economy in ...

Aceh to tap tourism potential through sail event

Aceh Province is a special region of Indonesia located in northern end of Sumatra Island and is rich in natural ...

Indonesia starts developing offshore aquaculture: Ministry

Three pilot sites of offshore aquaculture have been launched to breed the Barramundi and Sea Bass fishes in Aceh and ...

Indonesians celebrate Independence Day with spirit of unity in diversity

The commemoration of Indonesias 72nd Independence Day on Thursday was held throughout the country with a strong ...

Health challenge in 72nd year of independence

The challenge of the health sector in the 72nd year of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia is to unite and ...

10,001 dancers to stage saman performance to promote Aceh tourism

A total of 10,001 dancers will be involved in a traditional "Saman" dance performance held on Sunday to promote ...

Wildfires destroyed 222 hectares of land in West Aceh

Wildfires in West Aceh District, Aceh Province, had destroyed some 222.5 hectares (ha) of land and forest areas in ...

Aceh police foil attempt of smuggling 480 kg of hashish

Police in Gayo Lues district, Aceh province, has arrested a 59-year old farmer on charge of smuggling 480 kilograms of ...

Aceh province continues to develop halal tourism

After winning the prizes in the National Halal Tourism Competition (KPHN), the Indonesian westernmost province of Aceh ...

Better efforts needed for disaster preparedness and mitigation

Natural disasters that have hit Indonesia up to June 2017 include floods (37.4 percent), whirlwinds (29.2 percent), ...

Indonesia arrests four foreign fishing vessels

The Maritime and Fisheries Affairs Ministry has arrested four foreign fishing vessels, consisting of two ...