#again question

Collection of again question news, found 1.552 news.

Police deny giving special treatment to Anas

Police have denied they had given special treatment to Democrat Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum by questioning him in ...

Governor rejects call for rice import

East Java Governor Soekarwo rejected a call of the Indonesian Farmers Association (HKTI) to import rice soon. ...

KPK to question Anas if it has evidence

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will question Democrat Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum if there is ...

France, Britain, seek exit from Libya

With their Libya bombing campaign dragging on unresolved, France and Britain have been forced to accept ruler Moamer ...

Kadhafi could stay in Libya: Hague

British Foreign Secretary William Hague on Monday demanded that Moamer Kadhafi step down but said the Libyan leader ...

Police to call Anas on Nazaruddin`s defamatory, slandering acts

Investigators of the National Police`s Investigation and Criminal Department will on Wednesday (July 27) question ...

Yemen Qaeda chief, 10 soldiers killed in fighting

An Al-Qaeda leader and 10 soldiers have been killed in a south Yemen battle, a military source and medics said on ...

US says dialogue crucial in Yemen

The United States said Tuesday that dialogue was essential to resolve Yemen`s political crisis and played down the ...

Si Vis Pacem Para Belum for RI`s defense scenario?

A military affairs analyst said , in the face of future challenges in the defense field, Indonesia should take heed of ...

Bank Mandiri To Open Branch In Malaysia

State-owned Bank Mandiri will soon open a branch in Malaysia with the status of subsidiary, the bank`s director of ...

Govt calls for speedy passage of Land Acquisition Bill

The government has called for the speedy conclusion of parliamentary discussions on the bill on acquisition of land ...

Observer: Indonesia-Australia sea border should be canceled

The agreements on the border between the waters of Indonesia and Australia in the Timor Sea, signed in 1973 and ...

Saudi dismantles `Qaeda-linked` group: report

Saudi authorities have dismantled an Al-Qaeda-linked group of 16 people plotting to overthrow the regime, the ...

Al Gore Announces New Campaign and Worldwide, 24-Hour Event to Mobilize Climate Change Action

-24 Hours of Reality event to be produced by The Climate Reality Project,  formerly the Alliance for Climate ...

Police still tracing Nazaruddin`s whereabouts

National Police Chief General Police Timur Pradopo said his staff along with the Interpol is still tracing the ...