
Collection of alert news, found 2.403 news.

Inflation to reach 3.5--4.5% this year, Finance Ministry predicts

The Finance Ministry has forecast that Indonesia's inflation rate will be in the range of 3.5–4.5 percent ...

Surveillance crucial to prevent monkeypox spread: epidemiologist

Strengthening the surveillance system is essential for preventing the spread of monkeypox, a field epidemiologist from ...

Fed's 'aggressive' interest rate hike will affect global economy

The US Federal Reserve’s “aggressive” move to hike the benchmark interest rate to suppress inflation ...

Gov't supports efforts to improve monkeypox detection capabilities

The government will support efforts to boost the capacity of health and laboratory officers in detecting the monkeypox ...

Doctors must remain alert for monkeypox symptoms: IDI

The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) has asked all doctors to remain alert for the symptoms of monkeypox in ...

Frozen dew phenomenon at Mount Semeru draws tourists

The natural phenomenon of frozen dew caused by a drop in temperature at Mount Semeru in Ranupani Village, Lumajang ...

Govt should intensify dissemination of information on monkeypox: DPR

Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Puan Maharani urged the government to intensify dissemination and ...

174,703 farm animals recover from FMD

As many as 174,703 farm animals have, as of Friday, recovered from foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) that has affected ...

Domestic inflation to reach 4.6% in 2022, BI projects

The domestic consumer price index (CPI) inflation in 2022 is projected to reach 4.5 percent to 4.6 percent year on year ...

Indonesia not facing crisis, but must remain vigilant: minister

Indonesia is not experiencing a crisis currently, but it must remain vigilant amid the ongoing global uncertainty, with ...

Java, parts of Sumatra categorized as FMD red zones

All provinces on Java Island and some provinces on Sumatra Island have been categorized as red zones for foot-and-mouth ...

Booster vaccine essential to strengthen protection against COVID: IDI

Head of the COVID-19 task force of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) has underlined the need for the third or ...

13 Hajj returnees test positive for COVID-19: ministry

Thirteen Hajj pilgrims who have returned to Indonesia have tested positive for COVID-19, spokesperson for the Ministry ...

Potential for recession real in many countries: Indrawati

The potential for a recession due to rising benchmark interest rates, tightening liquidity, and rising food and energy ...

Central Java ramps up booster vaccinations via schools

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has said that the provincial government is working to push up the COVID-19 booster ...