
Collection of alert news, found 2.403 news.

Stay alert for disasters in next five months: Governor Pranowo

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has instructed all agencies and elements of society, especially those engaged in ...

History has lessons for tackling climate change: expert

The global community can learn from history to determine strategies for dealing with the current impact of climate ...

Indonesians must learn from COVID surge in other countries: govt

The COVID-19 surge in other countries should be a lesson for Indonesians to not be careless in following the health ...

Flash flood destroys 21 homes in East Java's Batu city

A flash flood triggered by heavy rains struck East Java’s Batu City on Thursday, destroying at least 21 ...

BNPB to expedite strategies to handle La Nina-related disasters

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has expedited strategies to tackle hydro-meteorological disasters caused ...

West Kalimantan may experience rain next week: BMKG

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Agency has forecast light to heavy rain in West Kalimantan Province ...

Yogyakarta warns residents of possible landslides during rain season

The Yogyakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has warned residents living along the riverbanks to remain ...

BNPB asks four provinces to remain alert for La Nina

Head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), Lieutenant General Ganip Warsito, on Thursday asked West Java, ...

Increase body immunity to avoid COVID-19 third wave: Komnas KIPI

Indonesians can avert the COVID-19 third wave by boosting their body immunity, National Commission on Post-Immunization ...


La Nina weather phenomenon alert

Dark clouds are seen over the capital city of Jakarta, Thursday (4/11/2021).  The meteorological agency (BMKG) has ...

BWSK I should tackle flooding problem in West Kalimantan: Minister

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini urged the Kalimantan River Center Region I (BWSK I) to find a solution to ...

Cabin crew play key role in health protocol compliance: task force

Flight cabin crew play an essential role as supervisors and controllers to ensure passenger compliance with health ...

Govt asks people to remain alert for third COVID-19 wave

The central government has urged people to remain alert for a third COVID-19 wave even though the US Centers for ...

Central Java governor presses for public vigil amid natural disasters

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo reminded the public to prepare by taking requisite precautionary measures against ...

Minister assigns staffers to keep assisting flood victims in Kapuas

Following her visit to flood victims in Sekadau District, West Kalimantan Province, Social Affairs ...