Around 57.87 percent of foreign tourists visiting Batam city in 2011 came from Singapore. "The majority of ...
The culture and tourism ministry will launch a marine sports event called Sabang International Regatta 2011 to attract ...
British police arrested five men on suspicion of terrorism near the Sellafield nuclear power plant in northwest ...
Indonesian Ambassador to Great Britain and Ireland Yuri Octavia Thamrin is one of the 1900 people invited to the ...
A 23-year-old British stuntman was killed after a safety net failed during his "human cannonball" routine at an Easter ...
Indonesia`s forests are under heavy pressure due to illegal logging, encroachment and land conversion activities that ...
Indonesia has received two warships, "KRI Salawaku 642" and "KRI Badau 643" from Brunei Darussalam under a grant, ...
The man not yet king of England is facing his sternest test yet. Public expectations are high. The event is to be ...
Thousands of street parties will be held across Britain to celebrate Prince William`s marriage to Kate Middleton ...
Britain`s Prince William and Kate Middleton have picked an ornate multi-tiered fruit cake for their wedding on April ...
Hundreds of elementary school students in Aceh Besar district campaigned on global warming and climate change issues ...
Chinese scientists have discovered a previously unknown virus carried by ticks which led to at least 36 deaths in six ...
A three-year-old child who was treated in hospital for addiction to alcohol is thought to be Britain`s youngest ever ...
Indonesia has a great potential in the hospitality industry as the contribution of the world`s travel and tourism ...
Indonesian badminton pair Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan are resolved to win the men`s double champion`s title in the ...