#allocation of subsidized fertilizers

Collection of allocation of subsidized fertilizers news, found 9 news.

Empowering farmers, modernizing agriculture for food security

Current global food conditions are not in a good state due to the unstable geopolitical environment and climate crises ...

Agriculture Minister optimistic nation can anticipate food crisis

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman said he is confident that Indonesia can anticipate the food crisis caused by ...

Indonesian govt urges farmers to use certified seeds

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Sudaryono asked hundreds of farmers in Grobogan, Central Java, on Sunday to use ...

More fertilizer allocation can support food self-sufficiency: KTNA

Chairman of the Andalan Farmers and Fishermen Association (KTNA) Yadi Sofyan Noor is upbeat that the increase in ...

Government releases regulation on subsidized fertilizers for farmers

The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs stated that the government had regulated the distribution of subsidized ...

Petrokimia Gresik books Rp1.2 trillion profit in 2019

State-owned fertilizer company PT Petrokimia Gresik booked Rp1.2 trillion in profit during 2019, or 100 percent of the ...

Government allocates Rp27 trillion for subsidized fertilizers

The Agriculture Ministry has allocated Rp27 trillion in the budget fund for 8.8 million tons of subsidized fertilizers ...

Govt to raise allocation of subsidized fertilizers

The Agriculture Ministry plans to raise the allocation of subsidized fertilizers this year which stands at 9.5 million ...

Indonesian govt to boost development of fertlizer industry

Indonesian farmers need some 14 million tons of subsidized fertilizers annually, whereas the governments allocation ...