
Collection of allowance news, found 287 news.

Employers obligated to pay Id-ul-Fitr allowance: Apindo

West Java companies are obliged by law to pay the Id-ul-Fitr festivities allowance (THR), according to the chairman of ...

Thousands of Indonesian postal service employees on strike

Around 5,000 employees of the Indonesian postal service provider, PT Pos Indonesia, will be on strike from June 28-30, ...

Indonesia govt prepares incentive for cement investment

To increase investment in the construction of cement plants in East Indonesia (KTI), the government will facilitate a ...

RU targets Rp283.5 trillion worth of investment in 2012

Indonesia expects investment to reach Rp283.5 trillion in 2012 or to grow 12.81 percent compared to the figure in 2011 ...

Govt provides fund to teachers to continue their studies

The government was reported to allocate a sum of funds to thousands of teachers in Bengkulu Province, to enable them ...

Govt rewards meritorious figures on national sports day

Several sports figures received awards from the government on the occasion of National Sports Day here on Friday. ...

Indonesia to create disincentives for foreign-made goods

Indonesia will create disincentives for goods consumed on a large scale but not produced in the country, Capital ...

Minister sees off employees going on home-bound Idul Fitri trip

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro saw off around 700 employees of his office and their families who embarked on a ...

Garuda should not violate agreement with APG : Minister

Minister for State-owned Enterprises (SOE) Mustafa Abubakar said that the management of flag carrier Garuda Indonesia ...

Minister vows to fire drug-dealing prison wardens

Law and Human Rights Minister Patrialis Akbar said prison wardens who prove to be involved in narcotic drug dealing ...

Why does Garuda employ foreign pilots?

The employment of foreign pilots by state-owned airline Garuda Indonesia was questionable because it has made hundreds ...

Govt discussing tax holiday for investors

The government is considering granting a tax holiday to investors who participate in the implementation of the Master ...

Govt to have fiscal incentive package ready by August

The Indonesian government will make its fiscal incentive package for industries ready by August this year, Head of the ...

KAJS fields 100,000 to stage rallies on May Day

The Committee for Social Insurance Action (KAJS) claimed it has fielded some 100 thousand of its members and ...

RI Govt confirms huge iron ore deposit in Kulon Progo

Industry Minister M.S. Hidayat has confirmed the presence of a deposit of 300 million tons of iron ore in Kulon ...