#animal sacrifice

Collection of animal sacrifice news, found 29 news.

Agriculture Ministry to roll out FMD vaccination on June 14

The Ministry of Agriculture will start the vaccination of livestock against foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) from June 14, ...

MUI allows FMD-infected livestock with mild symptoms for Qurbani

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has allowed livestock infected with the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) and exhibiting ...

East Java: Governor asks regions to form FMD task force

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has asked regional heads in the province to promptly form task forces for ...

DPR asks gov't to move quickly to control FMD outbreak

Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), Puan Maharani, has urged the government to take quick action against the ...

Ministry ensures livestock for Qurbani unaffected by FMD outbreak

The Ministry of Agriculture has ensured that the available livestock for Qurbani (animal sacrifice) is not affected by ...

Another real trial is qurban during pandemic

Prophet Abraham dreamt in his sleep one night of slaughtering his own beloved son, the one he had waited for the ...

Health protocols followed during animal slaughter at Al Azhar Mosque

The authority at Al Azhar Mosque, Jakarta, adhered stringently to health protocols during the ritual of animal ...

Comply with health protocols during Eid al-Adha, MUI urges worshippers

Worshippers must comply with the COVID-19 health protocols while observing Eid al-Adha, secretary of the Fatwa ...

Effective PPKM enforcement requires citizen participation: minister

The successful implementation of emergency public activity restrictions (emergency PPKM) in Java and Bali requires ...

Six more migrant workers test positive for COVID-19 in Batam

Six more Indonesian migrant workers have tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease upon their arrival in Batam ...

Weekend Stories

Pandemic alters Eid al-Adha animal sacrifice ritual in 2020

Eid al-Adha, or the Day of Sacrifice, is one of the two major festivals apart from Eid al-Fitr for Indonesia, where ...

Arcandra to be reappointed minister?

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), during his second cabinet reshuffle on July 27, appointed Arcandra Tahar as energy ...

President advised not to reappoint Arcandra

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has been advised not to reappoint Arcandra Tahar as minister of energy and mineral ...

President hands sacrificial animal to Istiqlal mosque

President Susilo Yudhoyono handed a cow to the Istiqlal mosque's animal sacrifice committee shortly after performing ...