
Collection of apa news, found 47 news.

ANTARA's Choice

From struggle, love, to humor: rich themes of Indonesian poems

Aku by Chairil Anwar is one of the Indonesian-language poems that are widely known across generations. Some ...

House calls on oil producing countries to develop environment-friendly energy

Vice Chairman of the Inter Parliamentary Cooperation Board of the Indonesian House of Representatives Rofi Munawar has ...

AS rilis daftar produk China objek tarif 25 persen

Kadin Amerika Serikat (USTR), Selasa waktu setempat, menerbitkan daftar produk China yang dikenai bea masuk tambahan ...

Laporan: Perang dagang akan bahayakan bisnis Amerika Serikat

Karena kepentingan bisnis AS di Tiongkok jauh lebih besar daripada apa yang ditunjukkan oleh data perdagangan, perang ...

Penyakit Parkinson bisa didiagnosis melalui air mata

Para ilmuwan Amerika menemukan kemungkinan bahwa air mata bisa menjadi petunjuk apakah seseorang mengidap penyakit ...

Indonesia encourages Asian parliament to resolve Rohingya crisis

The delegation of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) has encouraged the Asian Parliament to support efforts ...

Strengthening people-to-people relations in ASEAN through movies

The Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Permanent Mission of ...

Duterte bersumpah tak akan ke Amerika Serikat

Presiden Filipina Rodrigo Duterte pada Jumat mengatakan bahwa dirinya bersumpah tidak akan pernah mengunjungi Amerika ...

Indonesia accords priority to clean energy use

Indonesia has given priority to eco-friendly energy use in an effort to preserve the environment, deputy chairman of ...

Indonesia offers more than 50 films at cannes film market

Indonesia is offering more than 50 films at "Marche du Film", an international film market held as part of the Cannes ...

House to play more role in parliamentary diplomacy

A delegation of the House of Representatives will attend the meetings and conferences of regional parliamentary ...

Pentagon: Tidak beralasan Rusia pandang Amerika Serikat sebagai ancaman

Pentagon, Senin waktu setempat, mengatakan, tidak ada alasan bagi Rusia memandang Amerika Serikat sebagai ancaman ...

Parliament members will have diplomatic passports: House speaker

All members of the House of Representatives (DPR) will have a diplomatic passport to support the Indonesian ...

PM Thailand tolak tuntutan pemrotes

Perdana Menteri (PM) Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra, pada Senin menolak tuntutan pengunjuk rasa anti-pemerintah yang ...

Anggota parlemen Thailand serukan pemogokan anti-pemerintah

Anggota parlemen Thailand dari Partai Demokrat Suthep Thaugsuban, Senin (10/11), menyeru rakyat dari segala lapisan ...