#asean economic community

Collection of asean economic community news, found 393 news.

Indonesian govt taking steps to tackle growth of e-commerce industry

The volume of e-commerce transactions in Indonesia is still relatively small but the government is taking anticipatory ...

Govt to certify 750 thousand construction workers

The Ministry of Public Works and Housing will be certifying 750 thousand construction workers in the next five years ...

Indonesia remains key investment hub for Japanese

Indonesia, which is the most populated nation and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, remains one of main ...

New policy package to deal with e-commerce

The business of e-commerce in Indonesia, like in many other countries, is now developing, recording a total ...

Quality human resources needed in era of competition: President

President Joko Widodo highlighted that it is an era of competition among countries. He was speaking at the Gontor ...

16 illegal expatriates deported from Surabaya

The Surabaya city administration in East Java has so far deported 16 foreigners to their respective countries after ...

Indonesia is still short of about 700 pilots on annual basis

Indonesia is still short of about 700 pilots on an annual basis and amidst increasing demand for more pilots. ...

Philippine President Duterte scheduled to visit Jakarta

President Rodirgo Duterte will leave for Jakarta on September 8 after attending the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits and ...

President Xi wants Indonesia-China ties to be stronger

Chinese President Xi Jinping has expressed the hope that the existing good relations and cooperation with Indonesia ...

President urges HIPMI to play role in development efforts

President Joko Widodo has asked young entrepreneurs grouped in the Association of Indonesian Young Businessmen (HIPMI) ...

Indonesia`s food, beverages highly compete in ASEAN market

Indonesias food and beverages industry is considered the strongest competitor in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), ...

Indonesia starts the year of innovation in 2016: Minister

The Minister of Technology and Higher Education, Mohammad Nasir, affirms that 2016 is the year of innovation for ...

Influx of foreign workers threatens state sovereignty: Official

The influx of foreign workers in Indonesia poses a new threat to the countrys sovereignty, a Defense Ministry official ...

Food and drug supervisory body must be strengthened: YLKI

The institution and role of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) should be strengthened, so that it can ...

Minister to directly deport illegal foreign workers

The Ministry of Labor will directly repatriate or deport any illegal foreign workers or those who violate Indonesian ...