#asean economic community

Collection of asean economic community news, found 393 news.

Developing marine tourism in Riau Islands

Listed as the third contributor of foreign tourism destination in Indonesia after Bali and Jakarta, the Riau Islands ...

Garuda resumes serving Medan-Singapore route

National airlines Garuda Indonesia has resumed its flight from Medan, North Sumatra to Singapore as part of the ...

Mathla`ul Anwar conveys eight recommendations to President Jokowi

Mathlaul Anwar (MA), one of Indonesias oldest and largest Muslim organizations, has put forth eight recommendations to ...

Euro Management provides scholarship for one thousand journalists

A professional institute engaged in consultancy services and international education, Euro Management Indonesia, ...

Southeast Asia poised to reap rewards of fourth industrial revolution

Southeast Asian countries have the potential to leapfrog ahead of other developing nations by embracing new ...

Health minister urges private hospitals to improve quality

Health Minister Nila F Moeloek urged private hospitals to improve the quality and competence of their human resources ...

IDB explores cooperation with INKINDO

The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is exploring cooperation with the National Association of Indonesian Consultants ...

Government upbeat about Q2 growth

Despite witnessing low performance in the first quarter, the government is optimistic that the economic growth in the ...

More than thousand attends meeting with President Jokowi

Seoul (ANTARA News) - Around 1,300 Indonesians attended a meeting with President Joko Widodo at Crystal Ballroom, ...

Economist advises Bank Indonesia on its policy relaxation

Indonesias central bank, Bank Indonesia (BI), has been advised to wait until the second quarter of this year before ...

HSBC more optimistic about Indonesia`s economy

HSBC has revised up its prediction of the countrys economic growth this year from 4.7 percent to 5 percent despite ...

Investors disappointed if tax amnesty bill fails to pass: Economist

Portfolio investors would be disappointed if the tax amnesty bill failed to pass through road block at the Parliament, ...

Indonesian Medical Doctor Association encourages certification for foreigners

A member of the Indonesian Medical Doctors Association (IDI) of West Kalimantan, Dr. Nursyam Ibrahim, said the ...

Surabaya mayor confers 40 awards on teachers and students

Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini has conferred 40 awards on senior high school and vocational school principals, early ...

Tax amnesty funds to be used for boosting banks` capacity

The OJK expects that funds sourced from the passage of the tax amnesty bill should be used to increase the capacity of ...