
Collection of bakrie news, found 324 news.

FIFA bans Nurdin Halid from running for PSSI chair

The world football regulator FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) has banned the present ...

Ical confirms Golkar to stay In coalition

The general chairman of Golkar Party, Aburizal Bakrie (Ical) said Golkar would remain in the coalition to support the ...

Presidential Spokesman: coalition agreement likely to be adjusted

Presidential spokesman Julian A Pasha said there was a possibility that some adjustments would be made on the ...

President urged to announce reshuffled cabinet soon

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has been urged to immediately announce the outcome of his cabinet reshuffling ...

PKS to remain in govt coalition: Tifatul

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) will remain in the government coalition, Tifatul Sembiring, a senior PKS ...

Aburizal Bakrie to meet with President Yudhoyono

Golkar Party leader Aburizal Bakrie is to meet with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for talks about the fate of the ...

President to meet Golkar leader

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is to meet Golkar Party chairman Aburizal Bakrie on Tuesday, the party`s vice ...

President Yudhoyono to meet Aburizal Bakrie this week

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is to meet Golkar Party Chairman Aburizal Bakrie this week to discuss issues ...

Golkar to take steps to ensure long-term interests

Golkar Party chairman Aburizal Bakrie said he would take steps to ensure the party`s long-term interests in light of ...

Golkar remains consistent with congress decision

Golkar politician Agung Laksono concurrently coordinating minister for people`s welfare, has said his party remains ...

Lesson from Dipo Alam-Media battle

The "battle" between Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam and Media Group has continued after representatives of the company ...

Democrat Party to rank coalition members based on obedience

The ruling Democrat Party plans to rank political party members in the coalition that supports the government based ...

RI govt`s habit of importing rice criticized

Indonesian tycoon Aburizal Bakrie said he was concerned with the government`s habit of importing rice despite the ...

Golkar to continue supporting SBY-Boediono govt - Aburizal Bakrie

The Golkar Party will continue to support the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY.

Foreign ministry has no comment on Gayus`s allegations

The Foreign Affairs Ministry refuses to comment on tax evasion and corruption convict Gayus Tambunan`s allegation ...