
Collection of bakrie news, found 324 news.

Statutes of Golkar party changed to prevent dualism: VP

The statutes (AD) and rules of association (ART) will be changed to strengthen unity in the party and to prevent ...

Golkar Party ready to support government, appoint new leader

The Golkar Party is entering a new chapter after its Chairman, Aburizal Bakrie, hinted that he plans to step down, and ...

Minister issues decree recognizing Bakrie-led Golkar faction for six months

Justice and Human Rights Minister Yasona Laoly has issued a decree granting legal recognition for a period of six ...

President hopes Golkar will be able to settle problems soon

President Joko Widodo has expressed hope for an immediate settlement of the internal problems of the Golkar Party. ...

Golkar expected to hold extraordinary congress this year: Aburizal

General Chairman of Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie has expressed a hope that the party will be able to hold its ...

President Jokowi congratulates new house speaker Ade Komarudin

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has congratulated Ade Komarudin, a Golkar politician who was just installed as house ...

Both rival factions of Golkar agree to reconcile: VP

Indonesias Vice President Jusuf Kalla reiterated that both the rival factions of Golkar Party have agreed to ...

New speaker expected to control uproar in House

The Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) Chairman Zulkifli Hasan hoped the new House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker ...

President Jokowi, Aburizal Bakrie hold meeting at Merdeka Palace

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Chairman of Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie (Ical) held a meeting at the Merdeka ...

Ade Komarudin replaces Novanto as House Speaker

Ade Komarudin, senior politician of Golkar Party was sworn in as House Speaker at a plenary meeting of the House of ...

Agung Laksono meets President Jokowi

Agung Laksono, a senior politician from the Golkar Party, met President Joko Widodo at the Merdeka Palace here on ...

Agung : We want to reconcile in fair way and democratically

Agung Laksono, who chairs one of the rival factions of Golkar which has split into two, said he wanted the party to be ...

Bakrie-led Golkar receives justice minister`s decree

Aburizal Bakrie-led Golkar Secretary General Idrus Marham has received a decree from the Justice and Human Rights ...

Agung Laksono Golkar calls for reelection of parliament speaker

The Golkar Party under Agung Laksono said it is lobbying other political parties to re-elect a new Parliament speaker ...

Golkar Party names Ade Komaruddin as house speaker

Golkar Party, one of Indonesias largest political parties, has named Ade Komaruddin as the new house speaker to ...