
Collection of bangka news, found 1.204 news.

Minister inaugurates Cheng Ho maritime sea route

The Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Environmental Affairs Indroyono Soesilo attended a ceremony held for naming ...

13 bodies of victims of crashed AirAsia plane still unidentified

As many as 13 bodies of victims of crashed AirAsia flight QZ8501 remain unidentified on the 50th day of identification ...

Pangkalpinang health agency distributes 896 mosquito nets

The Health Agency of Pangkalpinang municipality, Bangka-Belitung, has distributed 896 insecticide-treated mosquito ...

DVI Team identifies eight more bodies of AirAsia QZ8501 passengers

The Disaster Identification Team of the East Java Police on Friday identified the bodies of eight more passengers of ...

DVI identifies body believed to be of AirAsia pilot

The Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team of the East Java Provincial Police is in the process of identifying a ...

Two bodies of QZ8501 found at Majene water, West Sulawesi

Two bodies suspected as passengers of AirAsia QZ8501 aircraft were found at Majene water, West Sulawesi, local ...

One more victim of AirAsia QZ8501 identified

The Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team identified the body of an AirAsia QZ8501 passenger on Wednesday. ...

Joint SAR agency retrieves flight data recorder of AirAsia QZ8501

The joint search and rescue (SAR) agency has successfully recovered the flight data recorder (FDR) of AirAsia QZ8501 ...

Bodies of 29 victims of AirAsia crash identified

- The East Java polices Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) unit has already identified the corpses of 29 victims out ...

Chevron to continue Indonesia Deepwater Drilling project

Chevron CEO John Watson expressed commitment to continue its Indonesia Deepwater Drilling (IDD) project in the gas ...

Bodies of three more AirAsia victims found

The search and rescue team, on Friday morning, found the bodies of three more victims of the AirAsia QZ8501 flight, ...

Rescuers find three more bodies of AirAsia victims

Rescuers found three more bodies of victims of the ill-fated AirAsia flight QZ8501 on Thursday, the 12th day of search ...

Indonesia`s experts will study AirAsia`s QZ8501 black box

Experts in Indonesia will study the black box of AirAsia flight QZ8501 that crashed in waters near Pangkalan Bun, ...

Limited underwater visibility hinders search for AirAsia QZ8501`s black box

Limited underwater visibility on Thursday hampered the search for the black box of AirAsia flight QZ8501 that crashed ...

Indonesian amphibian battalion finds AirAsia QZ8501`s tail

Officers from the Amphibian Reconnaissance Battalion of the Indonesian Navy have found AirAsia flight QZ8501s tail in ...