#bengkulu university

Collection of bengkulu university news, found 10 news.

Enggano Island, from darkness to digital access

Enggano, one of Bengkulu's outer islands, is a sub-district within the province's North Bengkulu District. This ...

Crucial to preserve elephant corridors in Bengkulu's Seblat: BKSDA

The Bengkulu Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has highlighted the importance of maintaining elephant ...

Supporting the country's prosperity through IKN Nusantara development

The Indonesian government continues to expedite infrastructure development of the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara in ...

Syiah Kuala University hosts 2021 IMT-GT Varsity Carnival

The Syiah Kuala University (USK) in Banda Aceh is hosting this year's Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand-Growth Triangle ...

EARTH WIRE -- Study reveals Bengkulu`s mangrove forests store 3,652 tons of carbon

A study on mangrove forests spanning 214 hectares in Bengkulu revealed that the area was able to absorb and store ...

Rare Rafflesia bengkuluensis flower in full bloom in Bengkulu

A rare Rafflesia bengkuluensis is currently in full bloom in a forest located around Manau Sembilan village, ...

Police to question witnesses in embezzlement case

The Bengkulu provincial police will soon question witnesses in the alleged embezzlement of more than Rp5 billion in ...

Illegal logging threatens Raflesia flower in Bengkulu

Illegal logging in the protected Bukit Daun forest, Bengkulu, threatens the habitat of the world`s largest flower, ...

Rafflesia arnoldii blooms up in 21 locations

The flower arnoldii of rafflesia has been found blooming in 21 locations throughout Bengkulu Province, reports Agus ...

Cadre says Yudhoyono`s statement gives certainty

A ruling Democrat Party cadre said Yudhoyono`s statement on Monday gave relief and certainty to cadres and ...