#borobudur temple

Collection of borobudur temple news, found 399 news.

Japanese Emperor Naruhito visits Borobudur Temple

Emperor of Japan Hironomiya Naruhito visited Borobudur Temple in Magelang District, Central Java, on ...

Japan emperor to meet with President Widodo on June 19

The Emperor of Japan, Hironomiya Naruhito, and Empress Masako Owada will meet President Joko Widodo on Monday at the ...

Pandemic blessing in disguise for Borobudur conservation effort: govt

The COVID-19 pandemic presented a good opportunity for bolstering conservation efforts at Borobudur Temple in Magelang, ...

Borobudur lacks other tourist attractions: ministry

The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry has said that Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java, ...

President summons Governor Pranowo to discuss Borobudur revitalization

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) summoned Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo to the state palace for a limited meeting ...

Japan's Emperor Naruhito to visit Indonesia

Japan's Emperor Naruhito will visit Indonesia from June 17–23, 2023, to strengthen the friendly relationship ...

Strengthening Indonesia-Qatar friendship through culture

A group of cyclists from Yogyakarta ecstatically entered the Borobudur Temple Tourism Park area in Magelang District, ...

Govt drafting plan to revitalize Borobudur Temple

The government is preparing a revitalization plan for the Borobudur Temple Complex in Central Java by collaborating ...

President Jokowi conveys Vesak Day greetings to Buddhists

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Sunday conveyed Vesak Day greetings for all Buddhists and prayed that may all beings ...

TWC welcomes Buddhist monks conducting Thudong at Borobudur Temple

PT Taman Wisata Candi (TWC) Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko, the subsidiary of state-run tourism and aviation ...

News Feature

Embracing Buddhist monks on Thudong, the face of Indonesia's tolerance

Crowds of people thronged the roadside into Magelang, Central Java, to welcome dozens of bhantes (Buddhist monks) ...

Buddhist monks at Thudong pilgrimage arrive at Borobudur

Buddhist monks performing the thudong pilgrimage from Thailand to Indonesia arrived at their final destination point in ...

Hospitality to Thai Buddhist monks shows face of harmony: Ministry

The hospitality shown by local people to Thai Buddhist monks performing the Thudong pilgrimage in Indonesia reflects ...

Buddhists in Indonesia urged to use Vesak Day to uphold unity

The Religious Affairs Ministry has appealed to all Buddhists in Indonesia to use the upcoming Vesak Day as an ...

Buddhist monks on pilgrimage commend religious tolerance in Indonesia

Buddhist monks performing the Thudong pilgrimage from Thailand to Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java, have ...