
Collection of bpom news, found 861 news.

Communication Ministry promotes Palapa Ring Integration development

The Communication and Informatics Ministry disseminates information on the project development plan for the Public ...

Afi Pharma's paracetamol product contains harmful compounds: BPOM

Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), Penny K. Lukito, on Monday informed that a paracetamol product ...

Active cross-sectoral role paramount to eliminating TB by 2030: Minister

The Indonesian Health Ministry affirmed that the target for the elimination of tuberculosis (TB) by 2030 necessitates ...

Gov't conducts three efforts to evenly distribute specialist doctors

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin highlighted that the government had made three efforts to fulfill the need for even ...

Association suggests BPOM to mandate industry to self-inspect products

The Association of Indonesian Doctors for the Development of Traditional and Herbal Medicine (PDPOTJI) has recommended ...

BPOM urges health workers to actively report drugs' side effects

The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency's (BPOM's) Head Penny K. Lukito urged health workers to actively ...

Need to assign responsibility for acute kidney injury: Komnas HAM

Someone must be held responsible for the cases of acute kidney injury that have claimed the lives of over 150 children ...

BPOM releases fresh list of 65 syrups without harmful solvents

The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) on Thursday released a new list of 65 syrup medicines that do not contain ...

Parents asked to remain alert to acute kidney injury symptoms

The Ministry of Health has urged parents to remain alert to the early and unique symptoms of atypical progressive acute ...

Pharmaceutical industry's drugs must meet quality standards: Ministry

The Health Ministry necessitates the pharmaceutical industry to ensure that the drugs it produces fulfill the quality ...

IndoVac passes clinical trial for COVID booster: Bio Farma

The domestically produced IndoVac COVID-19 vaccine has passed the clinical trial for booster vaccination, the president ...

Govt acts swiftly in handling acute kidney injury cases: ministry

The government has acted swiftly in handling acute kidney injury in children given its peculiar progression compared to ...

Indonesia Eximbank unveils "Road to Poland" book

Indonesia Eximbank (LPEI) unveiled a book titled "Road to Poland" that discussed Poland as Indonesia's ...

Ministry, BPOM conduct cyber patrols to oversee syrup drug circulation

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics will help the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to conduct cyber ...

Acute kidney injury: BPOM asked to quality test drugs

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has asked the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to carry out production ...