
Collection of britain news, found 1.176 news.

More aggressive action on pirates, EU

European Union states on Friday called for "more robust" action from the international fleet in the Indian Ocean to ...

Security Council to meet monday on Palestinian bid

The UN Security Council will meet Monday afternoon to discuss a request by the Palestinians to admit the state of ...

Major countries launch new anti-terror group

Twenty-nine countries from around the world, plus the European Union, on Thursday launched a new multilateral ...

How the Palestinian votes line up at the UN

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas is set to ask the United Nations on Friday that the Palestinians are granted UN ...

South Africa `fully supports` Palestinian UN bid

South Africa, a key UN Security Council member, "fully supports" the Palestinian bid for full membership of the United ...

Indonesian, Palestinian FM meet over bid for UN membership

Indonesian foreign minister Marty Natalegawa met with his Palestinian counterpart Riad al-Maliki on the sidelines of ...

Britain`s Ian Martin named head of un Libya mission

The United Nations said on Monday it had chosen British diplomat and human rights activist Ian Martin to head its new ...

British soldier shot dead in Afghanistan: ministry

A British Royal Marine was killed after coming under small arms fire while on foot patrol in Helmand Province, ...

Pirates say holding British hostage in central Somalia

A British woman, who was kidnapped in Kenya after her husband was killed, is in the hands of Somali pirates in the ...

S`pore tourists to Bali up 30.97 pct

A total of 62,893 Singapore tourists visited Bali in the first seven months of 2011, up 30.97 percent from 48,020 in ...

UK will help hunt Gaddafi

Britain`s Prime Minister David Cameron on Thursday pledged that Britain would help to hunt down fugitive former Libyan ...

S`pore is biggest investor in s Kalimantan

Singapore is now the biggest investor among 18 countries investing in South Kalimantan with a total investment of ...

IMF recognizes Libya rebel authority as formal member

Libyan rebel authority the National Transition Council was formally recognized by the membership of the International ...

Aboriginal sacred stone pulled from U.K. auction

A sacred Aboriginal stone, which according to tradition should never be viewed by women, was reportedly withdrawn from ...

Britain re-establishes diplomatic mission in Tripoli

Britain re-established a diplomatic mission in Tripoli Monday some six months after having closed its embassy in ...