#british prime minister

Collection of british prime minister news, found 175 news.

Somali pirates hijack Greek-owned chemical tanker

Somali pirates have hijacked a Greek-owned chemical tanker with 22 people on board in the Gulf of Aden and are taking ...

Britain urges Sri Lanka to make progress on rights by 2013

British Prime Minister David Cameron urged Sri Lanka on Sunday to make progress on human rights before it hosts the ...

British P.M. expresses revulsion at Afghanistan attacks

British Prime Minister David Cameron expressed revulsion Sunday at attacks on NATO forces in Afghanistan, saying they ...

Tony Blair supports REDD+ program in C. Kalimantan

Former British prime minister Tony Blair visited Central Kalimantan to demonstrate his support for a REDD+ (Reducing ...

Australian PM backs royal succession change

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has thrown her support behind David Cameron`s plans to scrap the archaic laws ...

Iran`s Ahmadinejad attacks west, prompts walk-out

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad flayed the West on Thursday for a catalogue of misdeeds, but his address to the ...

Boediono, Tony Blair discuss Presidential Delivery Unit

Vice President Boediono and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in their meeting here on Tuesday discussed the ...

World powers condemn Israeli settlement move

The United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations on Tuesday attacked Israel`s move to expand a ...

Quartet `concerned` by Israeli settlement move

The United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations on Tuesday attacked Israel`s move to expand a ...

Kadhafi a `legitimate target` for NATO: Libyan rebels

Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi is a "legitimate target" for NATO forces, the head of the rebel National Transitional ...

UN chief to attend London meeting on Libya

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will attend a London conference Tuesday to discuss coalition military action against ...

France, US agree on NATO role in Libya crisis : Paris

French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US counterpart Barack Obama agreed Tuesday on how NATO`s command structure would ...

Britain says "time for action" in Libya

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has broken a ceasefire and urgent action will now be taken to prevent civilian deaths, ...

Coalition Launches Military Action In Libya

French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Saturday announced the launch of military action in Libya, backed by Western ...

Gaddafi defiant as west mulls action

Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi stood firm Wednesday, accusing the West of plotting to seize his country`s oil and the ...