
Collection of burial news, found 217 news.

Minister Endang`s burial to be held at San Diego Cemetery

The burial of Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, who passed away on Wednesday at 11.41 am at Cipto ...

Thirteeen bus passengers killed in fire taken by families

Thirteen passengers killed in a fire in a PO Yanti Group bus in Jorong Ulu, Limapuluh Kota district in West Sumatra ...

Police conduct second autopsy on workers shot dead in Malaysia

Indonesian police in West Nusa Tenggara have done a second autopsy on the bodies of two of the three migrant workers ...

No bad feeling to Widjajono`s

Ninasapti Triaswati, bereaved wife of Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Widjajono Partowidagdo said she ...

Five people killed in South Kalimantan floods

Five people were killed after a flash flood swept them away following the overflowing of Baharu river here on ...

Former Mataram city mayor dies

HM Ruslan, mayor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)`s provincial capital of Mataram in 2001-2005 and 2005-2010, passed away ...

Indonesian restaurant employee found dead in KL hotel

Rumiyati (34), an Indonesian employed at a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was found dead on the stairs of a ...

Nine Qaeda suspects, one soldier killed in Yemen

Nine suspected Al-Qaeda militants have been killed in an attack on a Yemeni military unit in the country`s restive ...

Collapsed bridge death toll rises to 20

The number of dead victims found at the location of the collapsed bridge in Tenggarong, Kutai Kertanegara, East ...

Wife of industry minister passes away

Nuraini Mahdiati Tjokroaminoto, wife of Industry Minister MS Hidayat, passed away after she fell in the bathroom of JW ...

New Orleans Auction Galleries to Host Asian Art and Antique Sale

-     New Orleans Auction Galleries, Inc. is pleased to announce its three-day Asian Art and ...

More prehistoric artifacts waiting to be unearthed in Indonesia

More and more prehistoric artifacts have been surfacing in Indonesia`s islands from Sumatra to Papua over the years, ...

Ternate residents protest house building on burial land

A group of residents of Ternate, North Maluku, have urged the city`s authorities to take firm action against people ...

Delay possible for Gaddafi`s burial

Libya`s ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) has yet to form a solid plan on the time and location for burying ...

Libya`s new rulers unveil two new mass graves

Libya`s new rulers unveiled two mass graves on Wednesday (Oct. 5), a week after they were forced to backtrack on an ...