#cities in indonesia

Collection of cities in indonesia news, found 583 news.

Literacy Safari to visit 33 Indonesian cities

The Indonesia Reading Ambassador will visit 33 cities across Indonesia as part of the "Indonesian Reading ...

Solo a reference city for BTS program: Transportation Ministry

The Transportation Ministry has designated Solo as a reference city for the buy the service (BTS) concept that ...

G20 Indonesia

Telkom ensures provision of world-class digital services during G20

State-owned telecommunication enterprise, PT Telkom Indonesia, has affirmed its full support for holding the G20 Summit ...

BMKG forecasts moderate to heavy rains ahead of Christmas

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has forecast moderate to heavy rains in parts of the capital ...

Government raises digitization issue at G20 forum

The Indonesian government raised three issues pertaining to digitization in the G20 Presidency on account of the ...

Bolster paralegals' role amid unequal distribution of advocates: BPHN

Bolstering the role of paralegals is crucial for handling the inequitable distribution of legal assistance providers ...

APKM required in policies of human rights districts or cities

Aspects of access, participation, control, and benefit (APKM) should exist in the policies, programs, or activities ...

Government ensures G20 delegations use special flight route

The Indonesian government has ensured that foreign delegates attending a series of events at the G20 Summit will use a ...

Gojek campaign with Le Minerale wins Gold in 2021 MMA Smarties Award

Once again, Gojek received appreciation for its innovation in running a business. The appreciation came from the ...

G20 Indonesia

Communications Ministry readies portal for Indonesia's G20 Presidency

The Communications and Informatics Ministry has readied an information portal g20.org regarding Indonesia G20 to serve ...

Climate resilience policies face multi-party support hurdle: Bappenas

The implementation of disaster and climate resilience policies have faced several challenges, including ...

Gov't pushes smart city implementation for efficient governance

Home Affairs Minister Muhammad Tito Karnavian has called for the implementation of smart cities across Indonesia to ...

Vaccine certificate mandatory for domestic travel: COVID-19 task force

A vaccine certificate and a negative COVID-19 test result will be compulsory for domestic travel during the Christmas ...

Vice President inaugurates Tomohon as 'city of tolerance'

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin inaugurated Tomohon in North Sulawesi as a 'city of tolerance' by ...

Task Force highlights increase in mask compliance green zones

The number of green zones with mask compliance rate above 90 percent had increased in the past seven days, COVID-19 ...