The rescue team deployed to trace victims of sunken fishing vessel Oryong 501 found 17 of the 35 members of the ...
- Indonesias rattan-based products will get another boost with the inauguration of the National Rattan Innovation ...
Vice President Jusuf Kalla acknowledged meeting Golkar Party Deputy Chairman Agung Laksono to discuss the latest ...
Vice President Jusuf Kalla expressed hope that the Golkar Party does not split and that a rival party does not emerge ...
The governments decision to raise the prices of subsidized fuels when the world crude price is on the decline has led ...
Jakarta is notorious for its traffic jams and floods during the rainy season, which usually begins late in the year ...
Media reports about an exodus of residents from numerous villages in Nunukan district, North Kalimantan, to Malaysia ...
Indonesia hopes the Indian and Pacific Oceans would remain peaceful and secure in the area of world trade and would ...
- • Smart Cable Guard solution continuously monitors and immediately detects the exact location ...
Indonesias new President, Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, is expected to announce his cabinet that will include a minister to ...
Indonesias Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) denied claims that the delayed announcement of the ministerial candidates ...
Japans industry minister resigned Monday over claims she spent political donations on make-up and other items ...
The newly elected speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan has been busy visiting the ...
Ukrainian Defense Minister, Valery Geletey, stepped down with President Petro Poroshenko accepting his resignation ...
Beijing has completed a runway for military aircraft on a South China Sea island also claimed by Vietnam, state-run ...