#coal miners

Collection of coal miners news, found 7 news.

Basarnas deploys special team to evacuate trapped miners in Banyumas

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas/SAR) deployed the Basarnas Special Group (BSG) to help with the ...

Ministry sends team to handle victims following madrasah wall collapse

The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) sent a team to coordinate the handling of victims ...

Three gold miners' bodies retrieved from C Kalimantan landslide debris

- had allegedly dug the mining hole to such an extent that it perforated an old hole already left by miners. Related ...

President presses for accelerating road map for coal optimization

President Joko Widodo has given instructions to expedite the road map for optimization of domestic coal to transform ...

South Sumatra: 11 coal miners buried in wall collapse

Eleven coal miners were buried alive after an eight-meter wall collapsed at their mining site at Tanjung Lalang ...

Habitat of rare animal species damaged

Wide forest areas as habitats of rare animal species in the province of Bengkulu have been damaged on rampant illegal ...

Rescuers battle toxic gas to save 19 miners in Southern China

High levels of carbon monoxide have forced rescuers to suspend their efforts to save 19 coal miners trapped in a ...