#confidence down

Collection of confidence down news, found 2.200 news.

Tourism Ministry presents quarantine bubble for tourists in Bali

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy presents a bubble system under the Warm-Up Vacation Program for foreign ...

Indonesian economy grows 3.69 percent in 2021 following contraction

The Indonesian economy grew 3.69 percent in 2021 after having contracted 2.07 percent in 2020, according to Statistics ...

Bank credit disbursement using govt funds at Rp458.22 trillion

Banks have lent Rp458.22 trillion to 5.49 million debtors using government funds as of December 17, 2021, Minister of ...

Striking a work-life balance: a female journalist's predicament

The global community, including Indonesia, has been co-existing with COVID-19 for over two years, and amid the looming ...

Madago Raya task force teaches anti-terrorism values to local pupils

Officers assigned in the Madago Raya Operation task force in Central Sulawesi paid a visit to schools in Poso District ...

Women capable of becoming agents of entrepreneurial development

Women are capable of becoming the instruments of public empowerment by functioning as resilient agents in ...

G20 Indonesia

Indonesia must use G20 position to bolster labor sector: ministry

Indonesia must optimize its strategic position during G20 meetings to champion national interests in the labor sector ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 should boost transition to green energy: C20 Co-chair

Indonesia, which hosts the G20 Presidency event in 2022, should realize more concrete achievements in expediting ...

SoftBank Group announces management transition

SoftBank Group Corp. (“SoftBank”) today announced that the company and Marcelo Claure have mutually agreed to part ...

Indonesia and China renew bilateral currency swap arrangement

Bank Indonesia (BI) and China's central bank, the People's Bank of China (POBC), renewed the Bilateral Currency ...

Alms distribution should make people productive: Ministry

The Ministry of Religious Affairs advised the Alms Institution, or LAZ, that alms distribution must increase the ...

Some 301 million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in Indonesia

A total of 301 million doses of the COVID-vaccine were administered in Indonesia so far, according to President Joko ...

News Focus

Fueling the green energy drive through rooftop solar panels

The Jakartans are currently witnessing a steady increase in buildings with installed rooftop solar panels, and the ...

BI's survey indicates sustained strong consumer optimism about economy

Bank Indonesia's (BI's) consumer survey has indicated that consumer optimism about the economy remained strong ...

Soedjatmoko's thoughts on development still hold relevance: official

Indonesian intellectual Soedjatmoko's contemplations on human development still hold relevance in the modern age, ...