#coral reefs

Collection of coral reefs news, found 373 news.

Montara oil spill victims still awaiting promised compensation

East Nusatenggara (NTT) fishermen who lost their livelihoods by the Montara oil spill in 2009 are still waiting for ...

Wakatobi needs Rp5 billion for tourism development

Wakatobi district`s tourism and creative economy office needs Rp5 billion in funds from the 2012 regional budget to ...

US to provide US$450 million for environmental cooperation with RI

The United States government recently pledged to set aside US$450 million for environmental and climate change ...

Another dead illegal immigrant found in Pangandaran waters

The body of another female illegal immigrant from the Middle East was found in Pangandaran waters, West Java, on ...

Permanent Regional Secretariat will be Built in Manado

Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sharif C. Sutardjo who is also Chairman of Minister of CTI-CFF Board ...

Six Countries Agree to Build CTI-CFF Permanent Regional Secretariat

Indonesia is ready with its high commitment in CTI-CFF leadership, as stated by the Minister of Marine Affairs and ...

WWF launches coral triangle book

World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) has launched a new book titled "The Coral Triangle", 272-page masterpiece of ...

RI pledges Rp50 bln to set up CTI-CFF secretariat

Indonesia has committed itself to allocate Rp50 billion for the setting up of a secretariat for the Coral Triangle ...

Timor seabed destroyed after Montara incident: YPTB

Conditions of the seabed in the Timor Sea have become concerning following the Montara incident, according to photo ...

VP Boediono calls on regional govts to develop marine tourism

Vice President Boediono has called on regional administrations in Indonesia to develop marine tourism in order ...

news focus: Babel poised to host sail Wakatobi Belitong peak event

Bangka Belitung (Babel) Province has been busy making preparations for the peak event of Sail Wakatobi Belitong (WWB) ...

Govt prepares programs to improve fishermen`s welfare

Indonesia has the world`s second longest coastlines after Canada, and therefore it is not surprising if around 60 ...

RI urges Australia to sign Montara oil spill compensation accord

Indonesia has urged the Australian government to soon sign an accord on payment of compensation over the 2009 Montara ...

International marine tourism seminar to promote babel potentials

The upcoming two-day seminar on international marine tourism in Bangka-Belitung (Babel) provincial city of ...

60 yacths enter Wakatobi at conclusion of SWB

Up to the conclusion of Sail Wakatobi Belitong (SWB) 2011 in Wakatobi on Monday, 60 rally participants moored in ...