#corruption case

Collection of corruption case news, found 699 news.

Anti-graft body called on to examine Nazaruddin

A lawmaker of the Democrat Party (PD) faction in the House called on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to ...

Ruling party fires treasurer to improve image

After several weeks under the spotlight of the public and media reports, the ruling Democrat Party (PD) fired on ...

Nazaruddin may be discharged or resign: Mubarok

The Ethics Council (DK) of the Democrat Party (PD) can discharge PD General Treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin or ask him ...

Whistle blower Susno Duadji thanks national police

Former police chief detective Commissioner General Susno Duadji said here Tuesday he thanked his police corps for ...

Former minister held over corruption case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held former minister of home affairs Hari Sabarno on Friday for allegedly ...

Govt sends reply to Australian media on accusations

The Indonesian government has sent a reply to two Australian newspapers that have reported wikileaks documents ...

MA turns down Anggodo`s appeal, increases sentence to 10 years

The Supreme Court (MA) turned down the appeal of Anggodo Wijoyo on Thursday and even increased the sentence for him to ...

Govt to apply reverse burden of proof on Gayus` case

Vice President Boediono said the government would apply a system of reverse burden of proof to settle the case of tax ...

KPK to question former president Megawati as witness

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plans to question the general chairperson of the Indonesia Democratic ...

RI to set up corruption courts in 33 provinces

Indonesia plans to set up corruption courts in 33 provinces in the country by the end of 2011, Supreme Court Chairman ...

New tax chief to target big taxpayers

The new director general of taxation, Fuad Rahmany, said he would target big taxpayers to achieve the potential tax ...

ICW says KPK must reject meetings without Bibit and Chandra

The Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) has asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to reject any hearing with ...

Corruption continues to hamper RI`s progress

Although its goivernment has allocated huge sums to tackle such pressing problems aa financial market instability, ...

JK asks suspects of traveler`s check case to be honest

Former vice president Jusuf Kalla asked the 19 suspect politicians being held for alleged involvement in the ...

Anti-graft body vows to settle Gayus`s tax mafia case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has vowed to settle this year the tax mafia case involving former taxman ...