#covid 19 handling

Collection of covid 19 handling news, found 2.067 news.

Engineers' involvement important for economic recovery: minister

The involvement of Indonesia's engineers is needed to improve the national health system to support economic ...

Task Force necessitates stringent health protocol application at PON

Health protocols should be applied as stringently as possible during the National Sports Week (PON) XX, Papua, to ...

Indonesia to get US' additional COVID-19 vaccines via COVAX facility

The US government is committed to donating an additional 800 thousand doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to Indonesia ...

Schools must halt offline learning if COVID case detected: Adisasmito

Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito, has asked schools to halt face-to-face ...

PON athletes must abide by arrival, departure arrangement: official

Secretary to the Minister of Youth and Sports Gatot S. Dewa Broto has asked athletes participating in the PON XX ...

Sports Ministry expects health protocol adherence during Papua Games

Secretary of the Sports Ministry Gatot S. Dewa Broto believed that everyone would follow health protocols during the XX ...

President Jokowi attends Global COVID-19 Summit

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) virtually attended the Global COVID-19 Summit to discuss world leaders' commitment ...

Police expedite vaccinations in Papua's Mimika ahead of PON

The Indonesian police and military have accelerated COVID-19 vaccinations in Mimika district, Papua province ahead of ...

BNPB provides three million masks for public at Papua PON

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) allotted three million masks to strengthen the implementation of health ...

Health protocols crucial to prevent third coronavirus wave: task force

The implementation of the health protocols is crucial and must be carried out consistently to prevent a third ...

Papua Games, Superbike prevented from becoming COVID-19 clusters: govt

Chief of the government's COVID-19 Response and National Economic Recovery Committee (KPC-PEN) ...

News Focus

Indonesia to focus on economic recovery during G20 Presidency

Indonesia will assume the Presidency of G20 in late 2021 for the first time since the forum was established in 1999. ...

Indonesia's COVID-19 spike in July triggered by domestic factors: govt

The surge in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia in July 2021 was triggered by several domestic factors, Head of the National ...

Bali prepares 363 COVID-19 isolation centers with 5,547 beds

Bali Province's COVID-19 Handling Task Force along with the district and city governments have prepared 363 ...

Fall in positivity rate indicates good COVID handling: minister

Indonesia's positivity rate, which has dipped below 2 percent, indicates good COVID-19 handling in the country, ...