#covid 19 handling

Collection of covid 19 handling news, found 2.067 news.

Spike in COVID-19 cases impedes health facilities: Government

Government spokesperson for COVID-19 handling Wiku Adisasmito urged people to abide by the ban on the homecoming ...

COVID-19 task force views mudik ban as strategic decision

COVID-19 Handling Task Force Head Doni Monardo viewed the government's policy to ban the Eid al-Fitr homecoming, ...

Ministry's survey finds 18 million insist on embarking on mudik

The Transportation Ministry's survey highlighted that 18 million people, or seven percent of the population, would ...

Police, military deploy 155,000 personnel for Operation "Ketupat" 2021

Some 155 thousand personnel, including from the Indonesian Police (Polri) and Defense Forces (TNI), will be deployed to ...

Four Indian crew members test COVID-19 positive in Dumai, Riau

Four Indians out of the 22 crew members of an Indian-flagged ship docked at the Port of Dumai, Riau Province, on April ...

Health Ministry to receive Army's aid to implement vaccination program

The Indonesian Army (TNI AD) will extend assistance to the Health Ministry in implementing the national COVID-19 ...

President witnesses vaccination for Jakarta's traders

President Joko Widodo bore witness to the administration of the COVID-19 vaccination to traders in Thamrin City and ...

Nearly 12 million Indonesians vaccinated against COVID-19

A total of 11,981,034 Indonesians have been administered the COVID-19 vaccine as of Tuesday, according to the Task ...

Number of COVID-19 deaths increasing, cautions task force

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force said it has recorded an increase in the number of deaths due to coronavirus infection ...

COVID-19: Task force reports spike in infections in Jakarta offices

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has reported a sharp rise in coronavirus infections among the office space cluster in ...

COVID-19 screening GeNose installed at 21 airports

Locally manufactured COVID-19 screening tool GeNose has been installed at 21 airports in Indonesia, according to ...

Homecoming ban intended to avert spike in COVID-19 cases: spokesman

Government spokesman for COVID-19 handling Prof. Wiku Adisasmito urged the people to comply with the ban on the Eid ...

Indonesia adds 5,993 recoveries, 6,243 COVID-19 cases

Indonesia’s single-day COVID-19 recoveries reached 5,993 on Thursday, bringing the total number of people who ...

President's spokesperson confirms no talks yet on cabinet reshuffle

Presidential spokesman Fadjroel Rachman confirmed to have not yet heard of President Joko Widodo speaking about a ...

BNPB chief Monardo inaugurates COVID-19 hospital in Aceh

Head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), Doni Monardo, inaugurated a COVID-19 hospital on the premises ...