#criminal law

Collection of criminal law news, found 125 news.

The Trial of Indonesia Interfaith Spiritual Anand Krishna

The trial against Indonesia Interfaith Spiritual Activist Anand Krishna, who allegedly violating Article 290 and 294 ...

Judicial Commission lacks right to review Antasari`s sentence

The Judicial Commission (KY) does not have the authority to review the judge`s verdict in former Corruption ...

Ahmadiyah follower named suspect in Cikeusik incident

Banten police have named an Ahmadiyah follower, identified as Deden, a suspect in the clash between a group of people ...

China proposes death penalty for organ traffickers

Organ traffickers in China could face the death penalty under a draft law being reviewed by the country`s top ...

Detained Tomohon mayor walks tall to installation

In what to many people was a politically and legally bizarre event, Jefferson Soleiman Rumajar, Mayor-elect of ...