
Collection of crops news, found 705 news.

Agriculture Minister warns of food product cartel

Agriculture Minister Suswono has warned of food and horticultural product cartel, citing their unfairly high prices in ...

Wild elephant enters village in Riau

Herd of wild elephants entered human settlements in Mandau District, Bengkalis, Riau, causing residents damaged crops ...

KPK investigates alleged money laundering involving police general

The Corruption Eradication Commission summoned head of the police traffic corps Insp. Gen. Pudji Hartanto for ...

Indonesia launches public campaign on khat ban

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has launched a public campaign on khat (chata edulis), the active ingredient of ...

Investment up 24.6 percent in 2012: BKPM

Realization of domestic and foreign investment in 2012 from January to December rose 24.6 percent to Rp313.2 trillion ...

Investment up 24.6% in 2012

Realization of domestic and foreign investment in 2012 from January to December rose 24.6 percent to Rp313.2 trillion ...

Bali government allocates Rp4 billion in subsidies for organic fertilizers

The Bali provincial government has allocated Rp4 billion in subsidies for organic fertilizers in an effort to increase ...

As floods cripple Jakarta, President calls for public safety first

Jakarta (ANTARA News) Most parts of Jakarta were covered with flood water on Thursday crippling transports to the ...

Jakartans braced for possible flood

Residents of Jakarta are bracing themselves for possible flood on Tuesday following heavy rain that hit the city ...

PMI deploys 200 volunteers to help handle Jakarta floods

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) for Jakarta deployed 200 volunteers to help Jakarta residents in the face of floods ...

Indonesia Calls for Trust Building, Reconciliation in Myanmar's Rakhine State

Following his visit to Myanmar's State of Rakhine, Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa has called ...

Bengawan Solo flood in Bojonegoro receding

The flood caused by the overflow of Bengawan Solo River in Bojonegoro regency, East Java province, is showing signs of ...

Jayapura develops independent food villages to increase food supplies

The local government of Jayapura has developed an independent food village program to increase food security in the ...

floods expand in several Indonesian provinces

Floods that have hit some parts of Indonesia since November 2012, are currently expanding in a number of provinces ...

Flooding destroyed cacao crop in West Sulawesi

Flooding has hit the regency of Mamuju in West Sulawesi destroying food crops after heavy rain over the past several ...