Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves reached US$110.17 billion by the end of September or US$1.18 billion higher ...
The Indonesian currency rupiah gained slightly on Monday against the US dollar in a quite trade. In inter-bank ...
The employees association of PT Timah (Persero) Tbk will discuss the follow-up steps to be taken for the alleged theft ...
The Rupiah weakened by 10 points at the opening of the markets on Tuesday. The slump was triggered by the global ...
Bank Indonesia said it sets no target for the value of the country`s currency rupiah against the US dollar, but would ...
- Today MetaQuotes Software Corp. [ ] and ...
- - The rate of inflation is expected to hit 7% by ...
The Indonesian currency lost 12 points against the US dollar in inter-bank transactions this morning on worries over ...
The Indonesian currency rupiah lost 28 points of its value against the US dollar in inter-bank trade this morning on ...
The Indonesian currency rupiah lost more of its value against the US dollar in Friday`s opening trade on continued ...
Indonesia`s central bank predicts the country`s rupiah currency would keep appreciating following the implementation ...
The Indonesian currency rupiah traded at 9,500 per US dollar in inter-bank transaction this morning or unchanged from ...
Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves in the year ended August 31, 2012 rose US$2.43 billion to US$108.99 billion from ...
- Sandra E. Peterson will join Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) on December 1, 2012, as Group Worldwide Chairman and ...
Indonesia Eximbank has recorded growth in its financing by 42.51 percent from Rp17.38 trillion in August 2011 to ...