The Salam Mosque Foundation of the Bandung-based Institute of Technology (ITB) is not a base for cadre recruitment of ...
A French journalist was seriously wounded late Saturday in the besieged eastern Libyan rebel-held city of Misrata, ...
With four years to go before the deadline of MDGs in 2015, Indonesia is still struggling to stop or reverse the upward ...
A jet carrying first lady Michelle Obama abandoned a landing approach outside Washington to avoid another plane in an ...
Philippine Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Jesse M. Robredo called on Monday the provincial government ...
Central Java police chief Inspector General Edward Aritonang said his side has postponed the use of a helicopter in ...
Small amounts of radiation from Japan`s damaged nuclear plant have been detected in the Philippines, the government ...
Five houses in Bebekan Selatan neighborhood area of Taman subdistrict, Sidoarjo district, East Java,were destroyed by ...
A military plan drafted by NATO, which is preparing to take over all operations in Libya, would strictly limit the use ...
Sleman district government has pledged to build new shelters for its people, whose houses have been damaged or ...
Japan`s marine life is in no danger regardless of the radiation levels in the waters near the crippled Fukushima 1 ...
The use of gas energy is still far more effective than energy from a nuclear power plant, acting head of Southwest ...
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said international security issues wwere becoming more relevant and complicated in ...
Indonesia has called on the international community to cut global demand for narcotics and drugs as part of a ...
Three graduates from the SMKN 1 senior high school in Cibadak, Sukabumi district, West Java, survived the recent ...