
Collection of danger news, found 670 news.

Sick Mt Lokon Eruption Evacuees Referred To Hospitals

Around 39 sick evacuees from the Mt.Lokon eruption in Tomohon, North Sukawesi, have been referred to hospitals near ...

Mt Lokon eruptions force schools to suspend classes

Mount Lokon eruptions have forced three elementary schools at Kinilow, Kinilow 1 and Kakaskasen 1, Tomohon, North ...

Mt Lokon Erupts Again on Sunday

Mount Lokon again erupted and spewed hot ash into the air 3,000 meters high on Sunday at 10.42 am local time. ...

News Focus: Mt Lokon eruption forces mass evacuation

A major eruption of Mount Lokon in Tomohon, North Sulawesi, on Thursday evening (July 14) has struck local villagers ...

Residents around Mt Lokon evacuated

Around 500 residents living in dangerous areas around Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi have been evacuated to safer ...

Mt Lokon erupts, planes told to be careful

The Transportation Ministry has asked all planes passing Manado and its surroundings to be careful following the ...

Disaster management agency raises Mount Lokon`s status

The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has raised the status of Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi from standby to ...

Haze comes back in Sumatra and Kalimantan

Haze has come back on Sumatra and Kalimantan Islands over the past few weeks, affecting the environment, the local ...

Babel may host RI`s first nuke power plants

Forced by strong opposition from the local population, the government has decided to postpone building a nuclear ...

East Kotawaringin forms command post to tackle forest fires

The East Kotawaringin district administration has set up a command post to deal with forest and plantation fires. ...

At least 31 killed in train-bus collision in N India

At least 31 people were killed and over 30 others injured when a fast speeding train crashed a bus in the northern ...

Germany ready to sell Saudi Arabia 200 tanks-Spiegel

Germany is ready to sell more than 200 Leopard tanks to Saudi Arabia in a multi-billion euro deal after the ...

Strict regulations required to reduce number of smokers

Strict regulations and their consistent enforcement are required in Indonesia to reduce the number of smokers and ...

Two Spanish soldiers killed in Afghanistan blast

Two Spanish soldiers were killed in Afghanistan, and another three were injured, when their armoured vehicle hit an ...

Vietnam storms kill 10, seven struck by lightning

At least 10 people have been killed, seven of them struck by lightning, during several days of storms and heavy rain ...