
Collection of dead news, found 3.269 news.

Social Ministry sets up 11 public kitchens for Jakarta flood victims

The Social Affairs Ministry and the Jakarta Social Affairs Office set up 11 public kitchens and appointed 218 rescuers ...

Sandiaga Uno is concerned with deaths of polling station workers

Vice Presidential candidate number 02 Sandiaga Uno expressed his deep concern regarding the deaths of so many working ...

News Focus

Miseries behind Indonesia's successful fiesta of democracy

The residents of Peulokan Village in Labuhan Haji Barat Subdistrict, South Aceh District, Aceh Province, have lost ...

Four Surabaya's residents die from overworking at polling stations

Surabaya lost four residents who died after having been overworked at four polling stations around the capital city ...

Dead vote count officials should be appreciated: Ma'ruf

Officials who died while taking part in the vote counting process of the 2019 general elections should be appreciated ...

Another overworked election officer dies, toll reaches 92

Polling Station (TPS) No 1 Head in Adodo Molu Village, Tanimbar Islands District, Maluku, Selvianus Itranbey died of ...

News Focus

Indonesia holds most complex legislative and presidential elections

Indonesia held the world's biggest and most complex single-day vote on April 17, 2019, where 192 million people ...

House speaker condoles deaths of 54 election officers

House Speaker Bambang Soesatyo has condoled the deaths of 54 officers of polling stations (KPPS) and 10 policemen ...

Nine policemen die while securing Indonesia's elections: Minister

Home Minister Tjahjo Kumolo has expressed his deep condolences to the families of the nine policemen who died of ...

Indonesian mily to secure presidential elections in Nguda, Papua

The Indonesian military personnel would secure the parliamentary and presidential elections in Nduga District, Papua ...

Two Indonesian Navy personnel killed by commuter train in Pasar Minggu

Two Indonesian Navy personnel were killed after the Electric Rail (KRL) Commuter Line ran over them at the Poltangan ...

All government officials duty-bound to maintain neutral stance

Secretary of the Mataram City Administration  H. Effendi Eko Saswito reiterated the need for state civil ...

Bodies of PT Bumi Karsa workers recovered in Lake Tempe

Two employees of PT Bumi Karsa died of drowning in Lake Tempe, Kaca Village, Marioriawa Sub-district, Soppeng District, ...

Massacre of Muslims in NZ expected not to recur in future: MUI

Medan Chapter Muhammad Hatta said that the recent massacre of Muslims in the New Zealand city of Christchurch by an ...

Indonesian police officer shot dead in Papua

A police mobile brigade officer was killed and two others were injured following a shootout between Indonesian police ...