
Collection of dead news, found 3.270 news.

Belgium arrests Brussels bomb suspect, identifies others - Media

Belgian police arrested a prime suspect in Tuesdays Brussels blasts and identified two suspected suicide bombers, ...

Two members of Santoso`s group shot dead: Minister Pandjaitan

Two members of the Santoso-led terrorist group have been shot dead in Poso District, Central Sulawesi Province, during ...

Counterterrorism Actions Must Uphold Human Rights

The Indonesian government has been working to strengthen its Special Detachment (Densus) 88 counterterrorism squad by ...

Landslide in Kuningan claims one life: Agency

A landslide that struck the West Java Provincial District of Kuningan has left one person dead, according to office ...

Death toll from Saudi-led air strikes on Yemeni market rises to more than 100

The death toll from Saudi-led air strikes on an outdoor market in northwestern Yemen has risen to more than 100, a ...

Officers chase perpetrators of Papua shooting incident: Minister

Security officers are chasing the perpetrators who shot down the construction workers in Papua, according to ...

Indonesian security forces intensify manhunt for Santoso-led group

Shortly after Joko Widodo became Indonesias seventh president in October 2014, Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo ...

Bandung floods considered worst in 10 years

Floods have spread to wider areas across Indonesian provinces in the last few weeks, with the worst flood striking ...

Two terrorists shot down in Poso were foreigners

Two terrorists of the Santoso-led mujahideen group, who had been shot dead in Napu, Poso regency, were foreigners, ...

two mujahidin hit in shootout with security officers in poso - (d)

Two members of the Eastern Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) led by Santoso were hit in a shootout with joint military and ...

Indonesia condemns Ankara bombing

The government of Indonesia has condemned the suicide car bomb attack at Kizilay Square in the heart of Turkeys ...

Floods submerge 35 thousand houses in Bandung district

Floods triggered by incessant heavy rains and the overflowing of Citarum River, have submerged some 35 thousand houses ...

Floods Leave Two Dead, Three Missing in Bandung, West Java

Floods have left two dead and three others missing in Bandung District, West Java Province, as Citarum River ...

Former U.S. first lady Nancy Reagan dies at 94

Nancy Reagan, the former actress who was fiercely protective of husband Ronald Reagan through a Hollywood career, ...

Government empowering community to prevent forest fires

The government is empowering the rural community to prevent forest fires, Chairman of the National Disaster Mitigation ...